Investiture Requirements
I. Recite and accept the Adventurer Pledge. II. Complete the Reading 1 Award.
IV. Recite your country’s Pledge of Allegiance or national anthem.
V. Pray independently. MY GOD
I. God’s Plan to Save Me A. Create a story chart or lapbook showing the order in which these events took place: • Creation • The first sin • Jesus cares for me today • Jesus comes again • Heaven OR the Bible stories you are studying in school or Sabbath School. B. Use your story chart or lapbook to show someone how much Jesus cares for you. II. God’s Message to Me Complete the Bible Award
III. God’s Power in My Life
A. Spend regular quiet time with Jesus to talk with Him and learn about Him. B. Ask three people why they pray. MY SELF
I. I Am Special
Participate in an activity or make a craft showing different people who care for you. II. I Can Make Wise Choices Name at least four different feelings. Participate in an activity or make a craft showing different feelings. III. I Can Care for My Body Complete the Health Specialist Award
I. I Have a Family Show or explain what you like about each family member. II. Family Members Care for Each Other A. Discover what the fifth commandment (Exodus 20:12) tells you about families. B. Act out three ways you can honor your family. III. My Family Helps Me Care for Myself Complete the Safety Specialist Award
I. The World of Friends Tell how you can be a good friend. Use:
A. Discuss the work people do for your church. B. Learn about one job by helping the person do it. III. The World of Nature Complete the Friend of Animals Award